Friday, May 27th @ 3:30pm
Panel Discussion: June Jordan at 80 with Brian Gilmore, Yona Harvey, and Samiya Bashir
Poetry by the Sea: A Global Conference, will take place from 12 p.m. Tuesday May 24 to 3 p.m. Saturday May 28th at The Mercy by the Sea Center, Madison, Connecticut. The 2016 keynote speaker will be Kimiko Hahn.
Three-Day Workshops: Dick Davis (Rhyme), Anna M. Evans (The Mezzo Cammin Women Poets Timeline Seminar), Joshua Mehigan (Blank Verse), Steven P. Schneider (Poetry & Art: Giving Voice to Vision), A. E. Stallings (Entrances & Exits).
Two-Day Workshops: Tom Cable (Practical Prosody: Understanding the Principles of Rhythm), Jehanne Dubrow (Traditional Form, Contemporary Idiom), Annie Finch (Reclaiming Poetry's Metrical Magic), Natalie Gerber (Intonation, Meter and Free Verse).
One-Day Workshops: Rafael Campo (Poetry & Healing), Allison Joseph (Creative Writing Pedagogy), Rowan Ricardo Phillips (The Ode), Marilyn Taylor (The Villanelle), Terri Witek and Cyriaco Lopes (Poetry by the Sea).
Spotlight Readers: X.J. Kennedy, Robin Coste Lewis, Gregory Pardlo, and Patrick Phillips
Check out the full Poetry by the Sea 2016 Schedule.
It is time for something new.
Poetry by the Sea: A Global Conference has been created in the spirit of beginning afresh. The conference will literally take place by the sea, in an awe-inspiring landscape, and at Mercy by the Sea, a beautiful retreat center. This choice of meeting ground signifies how all of us are connected to each other and inspired by one another, whatever our poetic starting point, as we meet in a place of mercy and artistic grace in our shared goal of excellence.
You will find workshops, seminars, and panels in areas such as craft, subject/topic, and global issues.
You will find a tiptoe joy in the way that artificial poetic barriers can fall away as we engage in the passions and interests that define us all.
You will find a private beach, shared community meals and catered receptions (whether you are lodging on-campus or off-campus), and celebrations of artistic achievement.
You will find diversity and inclusiveness, courtesy, and a reach-for-the-stars grandeur. (And at Mercy by the Sea on the beach, they are there for the reaching!)
You will find poetry, both formal and free verse, on the page and in the air, and in multiple languages.
You will find MacArthur winners, PBS-featured poets, heads of foundations and poetry organizations, well-known editors, online entrepreneurs, directors of writing programs, and students of poetry, at multiple levels. There is always something new to learn for all of us.
You will find people coming from all over the world and all over the United States to gather for this conversation, which we hope will continue for years to come.
The next Poetry by the Sea conference will take place from Tuesday May 24th to Saturday May 28th 2016. Online registration will open mid-December 2015.
Please join us!
Kim Bridgford, Founder and Director, Poetry by the Sea